Hello! Today services were hosted at the Braley’s and Mark preached from 1 Thessalonians.
Simeon read the story to for the children – now we’re reading through the Gospel story and we read about the angel’s visits to Mary, Elizabeth, and Zechariah.
Amanda read the 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 and Mark talked about Paul’s pastoral advice:
- Christians back then were called Followers of The Way. They were people on a journey together..
- Paul’s advice to the people of Thessaloniki is not to stop. Keep going through the journey that God has for you. Being baptized isn’t the end of the journey but the beginning.
- God know’s what’s best for us and he is pleased when we talk to Him or try to please Him.
- You’re going to meet God someday and deal with your sins so you need to take them seriously.