
Anabaptist themes and emphases included a focus on the Gospels and the Sermon on the Mount, the necessity of practicing (not just believing) the Bible, a commitment to discipleship and a view of the Church as the the called out body of Christ. Anabaptists have consistently seen the commands of Christ in regards to violence as an integral part of general opposition in the New Testament between “the Kingdom of God” and “the World”. We see anabaptism as a corrective for much that is lacking in the American evangelical church (Rick Warren agrees!). We feel a kinship and affection with our brothers and sisters in the various branches of conservative Brethren Churches we grew up in, and hope to re-express many of the ideas also present in the Brethren movement in new ways.

We will focus on discipleship and teach and preach that following Jesus means following him with our lives. We will take seriously the tie between our lifestyle and our faith – Jesus has a lot to say about money, hospitality, the poor, and status-seeking behavior. We believe that Jesus calls us to a life of peacemaking and a rejection of violence and force and we are committed to following the commands and example of Jesus in loving even our enemies!