This week Simeon’s family hosted and next week a new family in our Church, the Braley’s, will be hosting and Mark will be preaching from 1 Thessalonians.
Justin read read the Bible story about about Joshua becoming leader after Moses died and crossing the Jordan River and building an alter to remember God’s provision.
Liz, Jude, and Daryl took turns reading the second half of Mark chapter 12 and Simeon talked about it the problem of motivation: are you praying because you’re talking to God or are you praying because people are listening to you and paying attention to what you’re saying? And the second story of the widow’s mite makes us think about our giving: do we give because we ought? Or so that people observe our generosity? Or are we giving out of a grateful heart to God?
De’Ionne quoted 1 Samuel – man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart! I really loved this, it’s so true!