Sermon Series

Now that we’ve gotten past the shock-and-awe period of starting a Church Justin and I decided we should pick a book apiece to preach through. I’ve started the book of II Kings and Justin started the book of Philippians today. I’ll let Justin fill you in on Philippians but I’d like to share my reasons for choosing II Kings as a theme for a while.

  1. Location.  I haven’t ever preached through an Old Testament book and the studies I’ve lead in the OT tended to be books of Prophecy (Isaiah, etc). The Old Testament and Israel’s story is part of our Scripture as Christians and I don’t want to neglect this part of God’s word.
  2. Ellul. One of the first books I read by a favorite theologian of mine was The Politics of God, the Politics of Man. Ellul’s study of II Kings and the ways in which God’s purposes interact with man’s choices left an impression on me and I have always wanted to do a study of my own in II Kings.

Next Sunday we’ll be in II Kings chapter 2 – I’m looking for application from Israel’s story to the Church today and looking for depictions of Christ amid the history and politics of II Kings. Join us at 10AM at Mellis Park to search the Scriptures with us!

Thanks Everybody

Thanks to all our friends and neighbours who joined us for services last Sunday. What with the errant home-run from the ball diamond we had an interesting service – but we were definitely blessed to hear Jason share some more. He recited from the book of John, telling us  the stories of two of Jesus’ healings in Scripture and also to sharing his thoughts on God’s word for us.

One idea that struck me was Jason’s thought that the healed cripple who showed no gratitude in John 5 was more concerned with his status in the religious community than with the messiah – even after receiving healing from Jesus. May it never be so for us!


Church in the Park

Horsing around after services...